The Most Reliable Source of Disinformation in Finland

Latest Issue is now online! Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet…

Our digital issue is free for everyone. If you would wish to reward us for all of the hard, hard work of scribbling things, you can do so via PayPal by clicking the “Donate” button below.

About Marvin

For over thirty years, Marvin has dutifully, regularly, and frequently* brought the latest news straight to you.** For any inquiries please contact marvin at hysfk dot fi, or use your ouija board.

* Twice a year or less.

** Well, if you pick it up. Or go online, because we have now entered the 21st century.

Marvin contributors: if you don’t want your article published online, please send us a removal request. (marvin ät hysfk piste fi)